Project Schedule

*Subject to change

Phases 1-3

Phases 4-5

Project Kick-Off Meeting

Steering Committee Meeting #1

Community Survey

Steering Committee Meeting #2

Community Visioning Workshop

Steering Committee Meeting #3

Project kick-off with the client to orient the team to the process, schedule, project study area, review the Steering Committee, and discuss key issues.

Review project purpose, scope, schedule, and conduct goal setting/idea generation activities. Additionally, the community survey and engagement plan will be reviewed.

Based on previous discussions, the consultant team will launch a community survey through a variety of mediums to gather public input.

Review existing conditions analysis and review community survey results to date. Additionally, key issues and findings will be outlined and discussed.

A public open house with opportunity to share aspirations for the future of Oberlin.

Review public engagement and begin to translate results into development principles, statements, and supporting graphics with the Steering Committee.

Steering Committee Meeting #4

Review the existing plan and land uses in light of the vision and goals, and identify focus areas for discussion in the community charrette.

Community Design Charrette

Interactive design charrette with the public, client team and steering committee members to attempt to resolve design possibilities into preferred scenarios

Steering Committee Meeting #5

Create an implementation plan. The implementation plan will be part of the final Plan document, and include timeframe/prioritization of recommendations, identify parties responsible for implementing.

Steering Committee Meeting #6

Final review of the plan, with a discussion around any last comments or concerns. This is to prepare for the presentation to City Council and Planning Commission.

Public Comment Period

Following the review by the steering committee and updates by the project team, the final draft plan will be posted to the project website for review and final comment by the community.

Planning Commission & City Council Presentations

Following the review by the steering committee and public comment period, updated drafts of the final comprehensive plan will be submitted for review to the Planning Commission and then adoption by City Council.

August 12, 2022

October 21, 2022

November 2022 - January, 2023

December 16, 2023

February 16, 2023

March 3, 2023 & April 28, 2023

July 21, 2023

September 22nd and 23rd, 2023

October 27, 2023

December 1, 2023

Tentative - December 8, 2023

Tentative - December 20, 2023 and January 16, 2024

Check Back Here Later for Updated Event Details